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NORTH Art Space, North Sydney

'Perception of Place' was a community orientated, art installation project, initiated when I was one of the founding Directors of the ARI, North Art Space.


The project was aimed to challenge the notion of what place 'is'. I wanted to look at how we attach meaning to a particular place or space. How our memories and past experiences influence our preconceived ideas and perceptions of a place or space and how having an immediate sensory experience alters that perception.


I invited members from the local community via an article in the Mosman Daily to come and participate in the project. 


The studio was no longer a 'studio' but transformed into a lounge room with furniture collected from Council throw-outs (another issue in itself). The people could come in, sit, have a cuppa , a chat and inhabit the space, while I painted their portrait , which afterwards, was hung on the 'lounge room' wall creating a picture galley of family members.


Instead of names each portrait was identified by the colour they felt they were.

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